SOLITAIRE CHIRPING OF HEART – Seized time of Thoughts (Poems) – Vandna Sharma


Book : SOLITAIRE CHIRPING OF HEART – Seized time of Thoughts
Author: Vandna Sharma
Category : Poems
ISBN : 9788188027668
Binding : Normal
Publishing Date : October 2021
Publisher : Lipi Publications
Edition : 1
Number of pages : 80
Language : English


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SOLITAIRE CHIRPING OF HEART – Seized time of Thoughts
Vandna Sharma

Over the phone
A change of tone,
Mom sees my heart,
Her love is so smart.

No questions,
Ready solutions.
She sees it all.
Love knows it all.

Agony and Anxiety,
Hidden inside,
She is all strength outside,
Powering me from inside.
Her love travels
Across the seas
Above the hills
A Cure above pills.

quoted above is a poem from this collection. The poets world view, and richness of vocabulary can be glimpsed at in these lines. The poems in this collection, for the most part, deal with the experiences of the poet during her days of quarantaine following an attack of Corona. She writes about the experience as follows. It is indeed very hard to spend fourteen days inside the room all alone even though when you have all the luxuries of the world, Socialization is also a basic pshychological need of human beings. In order to overcome this. I choose to write. The anxious mind, loneliness, lingering thoughts, missing friend circles resulted is a book, right in front of you to read.


Vandna Sharma